Thursday, November 17, 2011

10 Tips for Successful Panhandling.......................

Panhandling 101

I thought since I was accused of panhandling.  Some tips might be in order for success in the trade.

A Lesson From the Naked Cowboy

A Bit Worried?

If you're like me, you've been watching Wall Street tank, people lose their jobs and their homes, and banks roll over and die. And thoughts of the Great Depression have been flashing through your head like an old newsreel. Well, I'm here to tell you that it might be a good idea to brush up on your panhandling skills. Lucky for you, I found my dusty copy of the Panhandling Etiquette Guidebook, so let's review its 10 Tips for Successful Panhandling.
1. Never Panhandle in Evening Clothes or a Business Suit

No one cares how successful you once were. If you want spare change, dress the part, for God's sake.

2. Look for High-Traffic Areas

Look for panhandling locations where people still have change to spare. That means, stay away from Wall Street, high sub-prime mortgage neighborhoods and financial institutions. Instead, look for vacation resorts like Palm Beach and Disney World.

3. Learn a Second Language

And make sure it's a European language. Europeans have money to burn, and still seem to be more than willing to spend it on Americans.

4. Come Prepared to Converse with Donors

It's helpful to have a good story when you're panhandling. It's the law of supply-and-demand - people want something for their money, so the taller the tale, the better.

5. Bring Show-and-Tell Items

A photo of your family, a poorly lettered sign, a tin cup. All of these accoutrements can help you to divert attention away from other panhandlers and back to you - the deserving panhandler who did his homework.
6. Show off a Talent

If you play an instrument and it hasn't been seized by the government or taken to the pawn shop, then bring it with you and perform. If you're an artist, bring your tools. This isn't the Miss America Contest - talent actually counts.

7. Make Eye Contact

Look people in the eye. If you make eye contact with passersby, they might actually make eye contact with you. Not likely, but anything's possible.

8. Be Realistic

Don't set your expectations too high. If someone throws a dime into your violin case, be thankful. If it's a dollar, be gracious. If it's a tuna fish sandwich, take a lunch break.

9. Make This a Family Activity

Make panhandling a family activity. Just like they do on "The Apprentice," form a panhandling team and assign jobs to everyone. The kids can make signs, grandma can be on lookout for the cops, and you can concentrate on counting the money.

10. Hide Your Money

At the end of a long day of panhandling, remember to put your earnings away for safekeeping. Under your mattress.

jim10 profile image
jim10 3 years ago
you are right you definitely need to dress the part. I used to go into Boston for school all of the time. It seemed like one of the best places for panhandlers. It seemed funny how each one had their own spot. Some were very nice and didn't seem to mind that I had very little to give. I had baby at home and was still in school. I was usually more generous in the cold or snow and I felt really bad for them then. Well about dressing the part. I went into convenient store and some guy in a suit and tie held the door for me and asked if he could have my change on my way out. I think I actually laughed at him. I'm not sure if anyone gave him anything but I would doubt it. I saw a news story once about a few people that would live in the suburbs but went into NY and panhandled for a living. They guy dove a Mercedes for crying out loud. Here I am working hard and dumb enough to pay taxes.
NYLady profile image
NYLady Hub Author 3 years ago
Ha -- thanks, Jim. Hope you got the joke, which you obivously did. Yes, we taxpayers are going to get hit pretty hard. I see the Naked Cowboy in NYC all the time and often wonder what kind of car he drives. I'd be willing to bet it's nicer than mine.
Em Writes profile image
Em Writes 3 years ago
And if all else fails, show some skin. Ta-tas earn beads at Mardi Gras, or so I've heard. I'm sure that flashing 'em would be an effective panhandling technique.
Great hub!
NYLady profile image
NYLady Hub Author 3 years ago
Hey -- not a bad idea! I guess your success will heavily depend on how your ta-tas look.
denise mohan profile image
denise mohan Level 2 Commenter 2 years ago
NYLady profile image
NYLady Hub Author 2 years ago
Thanks, Denise! Appreciate the comment, especially since writing funny is so damned hard!
DEb 2 years ago
So glad I found this information and comments. it occured to me to try panhandleing several times in the past. But I think I finally have talked myself into it and am going to try it. I guess my worry is getting harrassed by cops or teenagers though. So once I get that under my belt I am going to try it. I would rather have a full time job but have found nothing for a month and have a job working 2 days a week. The money does not stretch.
Angela 2 years ago
And there are those of us out there having lost our jobs and trying to keep our bills paid while at the same time looking for work. My MA, LSW, & LICDC are all absolutely worthless at this present moment. As for vehicles, I was lucky enough to pay it off just before loosing my job and it requires gasoline and repair. Anyone who thinks standing in that hot global sun is easy work is sadly mistaken. I would gladly trade you your job.
NYLady 2 years ago
Deb and Angela: Hope things improve for you soon! Believe me, this list of tips was meant totally tongue-in-cheek. But thanks for your comments.
Angela Again 2 years ago
I am so ashamed of myself that in the above message I forgot to thank and share my gratefulness to God and all those persons who actually care. Secondly, this is for Deb: given my prior work history and things I heard from clients I too was leary of police officers. I have quickly changed my mind on that though. They are all very nice and I am grateful they actually go through as often as they do.
alvin 2 years ago
Well even in a high traffic area doesnt mean lots of money that could be the worst spot. But the cops is the main thing you have to watch for. I almost got a couple of tickets spot them as they spot you and walk away not to fast and make eye contact with them and give them athumbs up stating you see them watching you. I found some of the low volume areas are the best
Acajudi 2 years ago
The panhandlers should work. I know they may earn more money begging, by I work and have my self respect.
mehere 2 years ago
i used to make about $250 a day flying a sign. I was lucky enough to have a car so I just went to out of the way towns and flew at thier walmarts. god that money was i have a job and it takes me all week to make what i made in one day being homeless.
rls8994 profile image
rls8994 24 months ago
Josh 22 months ago
I fly a sign in my city. Fortunately, there isn't an ordinance against panhandling, so the cops pretty much leave me alone.
Like a few of the other posters, I'd MUCH rather have a job than be out panhandling. It feels much better to me to EARN my money and pay our BS taxes rather than beg for it. Not to mention the fact that with the skills I have, I could be sitting in a heated/AC office rather than out in the elements.
Major tips to provide here:
STAY OFF CENTER DIVIDERS: If you're on a center divider, it's a surefire way to get attention from the cops. Granted, in an area where traffic piles up regularly, you can make tons of money, but it's just not worth it.
Your state Highway Patrol will most certainly warn you, if not, cite you. If you're trying to make money to survive, you can't afford a ticket. If you're on probation or parole, you're taking a risk that might land you in jail. Granted, jail provides you with a sheltered (by no means warm) place to sleep and food in your stomach, but I personally would much prefer my freedom rather than a concrete bed.
STAY OUT OF AREAS WHERE PEOPLE KNOW YOU. I would hate for someone I know to see me flying a sign. Super embarrassing.
Those of you that DO panhandle and lie about your situation give a bad name to people who legitimately need the help.
Granted, spouting some BS about you being a veteran and having kids can earn you more than spare change and dollar bills, but be honest. It's more of a moral integrity issue for me rather than bringing in the bucks. If you lie and you get caught by someone that is actually what he says he/she is, you might get the crap beat out of you, or worse.
Dan 18 months ago
There is a panhandler near my work who wears a suit and has a gray beard - fairly well trimmed...I cannot understand why an old fellow would stand at a bus station *in a clean business suit* asking for spare change. Maybe I'll stop and learn his story someday...attempts to Google 'panhandler in suit' led me here so I guess no one else has written about this guy yet. He also wears a floppy Panama Jack style hat most days...quite the character.
himper 11 months ago
Hey at first I thought that I would never do it but once I got over the embarrassment I found that I never made so much money so quickly in my life!! Now I average 40-90 dollars per hour!! A man offered me a job at $12.00 per hour and unfortunately I had to turn it down because that meant I would have to take about a $30.00 per hour pay cut.
Bobbie 10 months ago
No joke-I average a dollar a minute!! I dont have to beg or ask anyone for anything, my sign says it all. If you can handle the elements, its the best money you'll make. Im a woman and I dont overdress, but I do make myself look presentable. My sign does'nt say homeless... It says, laid off... So there is no reason for me to look like a bum.
smcopywrite profile image
smcopywrite Level 6 Commenter 5 months ago
you are right about the eye contact. if i dont make eye contact i tend to avoid giving. once eye contact is made i am a sucker for the pan handling expert.
great hub
happymama 24 5 weeks ago
I am a student who receives money from my parents, but it's only once a month & it goes fast. When I get really desperate, I do panhandle, but usually just enough to get by--for example, my goal is usually to scrounge up a dollar for a hamburger or something like that. Then I stop panhandling until I get hungry again. I do not like to take advantage of people. And, when I do have money, I am more than happy to help out panhandlers myself!

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