Saturday, November 12, 2011

Psycho Apartment Manager #1 Don't Let This Happen To YOU!!


From: -Anonymous-
Date posted: 7/10/2011
Years at this apartment: 2008 - 2008

Some people who read the "it's unfortunate, but true" review might think that the guy/lady was being paranoid and overreacting (actually, I would too if I had not lived here)-- but it happened to me as well. When my brand new laptop was stolen after I left it near my car for 15 minutes the management refused to review their video.

HOWEVER, when I filmed there... OOOOHHHH, MAN! They were willing to DEVOTE HOURS to digging up that footage.

Allow me to explain.

During May 1, 2011 I filmed a scene with two actors for two hours on a Sunday when no one was in the lobby or doing business in the building. Later, a mama's boy (literally a 40-something who lives with his mom in the apartment) "told" on me like a child- not because we were being loud or anything-- because he is a child. The next day I received a bill from the apartment manager for $5,000 (yes, there are three zeroes there) on my door. The invoice read that they had video footage of me filming "many actors" (actually two) for "much of the afternoon" (two hours) and if I did not pay $5,000 to them immediately my bill would be forwarded to a collection agency. I didn't know at the time that they--uuuh, couldn't actually do that legally.

The bill and threat were extremely offensive to me because I paid $2,000 monthly to live at L'Estancia for three years. They didn't talk to me about the incident-- or better yet just brush it off because nothing actually went wrong, and no one was offended aside from a 40 year old who has no life. They handled it with "bam! you owe $5,000 to us."

I'm a broke, low budget filmmaker.

When I confronted the apartment manager about it he danced around his office with an insane grin on his face and said, "WE CAUGHT YOU! Now you must pay!" I basically told him that I wasn't going to pay a thing to him then began to leave his office. He called out, "if I see that equipment around here again, watch what I will do to eet!" to which I responded, "yeah, do that and watch what I'll do to your face." This response caused him to get half an erection, apparently, because he got in my face and said, "DOOO EET! Why don't YOU DO EET NOW'!" He wanted to provoke me to hit him so I would go to prison, folks, and he FOLLOWED (PSYCHO!) me some 50 yards to my apartment door with continued insults and threats ("LEAVE NOW! WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE NOW!''") with the purpose of goading me into hitting him. When I unlocked my apartment door he began to lunge forward into it. I said something like, "get away from me, freak!" He turned toward a maintenance guy who had just happened to witness this psychotic episode and said, "OH, YOU SAW EET! YOU SAW EET! HEEE WAS GO-EENG TO BEAT ME UP!" The maintenance guy, who was wide-eyed and shocked out of his mind said (and I quote), "Uh, I didn't see anything."

As I dove into my apartment he yelled, "I WEEL FILE A POLEECE REEPORT FOR ASSAULT! THEE POLEECE WEEL BE HERE SOON. And I WEEL GET ALL THE MONEY YOU OWE ME!" Seconds after I deadbolted the door I heard him turn the door handle furiously (attempted illegal entry- the REAL illegal entry was yet to come).
The film had already encountered many snags even before this incident, so I decided to break from it for a vacation/visit my dying grandmother in Georgia (the east coast state). When I left I actually half-expected that he would break into the apartment and that I would sue his a-- off... which came to pass (the lawsuit IS coming, you little chihuahua b-tch).

When I returned from Georgia there were three documents posted on my door: 1) an "informal agreement" arranged by his lawyers whereby I vacated the complex or faced legal eviction 2) a document that was posted days afterward that informed me of a "belief of abandonment" of the apartment (three different lawyers have confirmed that this document was utter nonsense and illegal, and he has since lied about it and said that he entered based on a complaint of an "odor") 3) a document that stated that he had ushered in teams of police men, a fire crew and paramedics because he was "concerned about my health." Everyone in my circle has since laughed his butt off about the "concern for health" claim because it is followed by "you are now REQUIRED to vacate the premises." "We were so concerned about you-- NOW GET THE HELL OUT."

I immediately hired a lawyer to fend off this psycho, and I had to borrow almost $2,500 from relatives to keep him the hell away from me. He tried several times to re-enter the apartment with his own crew and continued to post threatening notices on my door for days after I returned from vacation.

When I was taking my things into storage for my MOVE into a different place he posted a notice about some boring event on everyone's door and UNLOCKED AND OPENED MY DOOR while I was away, which is why I believe the guy/lady who claimed that theft is an inside job at L'EStancia.

HE IS A COMPLETE AND UTTER PSYCHOPATH. I majored in psychology, and believe me when I tell you that I don't just throw that word around unless it is totally warranted. In this case the guy matches every characteristic of that psychopathy. DO NOT PATRONIZE THIS MAN OR HIS COMPANY. My lawyer said (and I quote) "In my years of doing this I have never worked with a group of people who were as non-communicative and mean-spirited as these people."                   

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